
Prevailing Winds: Switching Political Parties over Candidate Support

In a recent CNN interview, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski hinted that he she is considering leaving the Republican Party. Murkowski has been a long-time opponent of former President Donald Trump and is struggling with the idea of Trump leading her party. Murkowski is not the first to leave the party over a personality and historically speaking, switching parties has even brought great reward.

Congress bolsters food security

By Congressman Frank Lucas (R-Oklahoma) As the House Agriculture Committee convenes this week to examine the threat China poses to the U.S. agricultural industry, it’s important to take a closer look at the steps underway to bolster our food security against foreign adversaries.

Op-Ed: Bill allows competition in electric transmission

By Rep. Trey Caldwell (R-Lawton) Many of us are familiar with utility bills' unpredictability. Unfortunately, they are increasing every month, which can be incredibly challenging for people living on fixed incomes or struggling to make ends meet.

Mayorkas’ Impeachment Charges Echo Those of Former Sec. of War with Ties to Oklahoma

Last month Congress made the historic decision to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. With immigration being one of the hottest political issues of the day, Republicans impeached the secretary on charges of being “engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties…[and] has failed to faithfully uphold his oath and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of border security and immigration enforcement.” The charges also include that he, “willfully violated the Immigration and Nationality Act by releasing illegal aliens into the interior of the United States despite the plain language of the Act.” Personally, I am surprised that this is the first impeachment under the Republican House of Representatives.

Reviewing “Throwaway Kids: Reforming Oklahoma’s Juvenile Justice System”

A book about Oklahoma’s dark past in the treatment of vulnerable children, though nonfiction, almost reads like a legal thriller. In “Throwaway Kids: Reforming Oklahoma’s Juvenile Justice System,” authors Terry Smith and Bob Burke tell the story of children in the 1970s who suffered violence in overcrowded and poorly staffed state-run facilities.